Entertainment, sports, parties and delicious snacks with friends...
In the center of Bellaria Igea Marina, Milano Beach Club is a gem of cleanliness and comfort with a family run very sunny. Roberto, Danilo and Fabio always greet you with a smile. Ready to listen and satisfy very requests.
Milano Beach Club is characterized by a very big space and many services at your.
Sports, games, music and parties. Always on the sand.
Live your emotions at the beach:
- Look at your children having fun in the playground or go wild with the laboratories and the baby dance along with the animators.
- Let loose with the sport. You will be spoiled for choice. Table tennis, group dances and muscle toning at the seaside you will liven up the day.
- Relax and nourish your soul with ample shade, full of newspapers, books, magazines and free wi-fi.